Goel Gil Rahimi

Goel Gil Rahimi unraveled the Exodus journey, reconstructed the true biblical geography and the Egyptian chronology, and discovered how the pyramids were built


This site serves as a means of communication between you and me. Here I will present my research, books, and lectures.
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How did the study of the Exodus begin?

In 2006, I had an out-of-body experience after a car accident. At the time, I was an atheist and materialist, and I paid no attention to “spiritual” issues. But I couldn’t ignore the shocking experience.

I decided to investigate the subject in depth. The research question I set for myself was: Is it possible to prove Scientifically the existence of Immaterial entities (Souls, angels, Creator).

I explored many areas of science: from the world of particles, through the animal kingdom, to the scale of the universe. After about two years, I began writing the book The 11th Sense, which contains several dozen scientific proofs for the existence of a Creator God.

One of them is based on two of the pillars of physics (thermodynamics and the theory of relativity), according to which we cannot predict the future because we have mass (i.e., are material).

But it also follows that if someone does succeed in predicting the future, then he is necessarily Immaterial.

While writing the chapter discussing this proof, I thought it would be useful to present the Exodus as an example, since Moses prophesied each of the Ten Plagues. I stopped writing to learn more about the Exodus.

Discovery of the first findings

I read many books that could shed light on the subject of the Exodus. Among them were the fascinating books of Emmanuel Velikovsky, who also studied Egyptian history. In one of his books, he wrote that traces of glaciers had been discovered in the Arabian Peninsula. Intrigued, I looked for the traces in satellite images. While searching I discovered ancient and large stone structures (tens and hundreds of meters each), which, although their existence was known, their purpose and the identity of their creators are a mystery.

For about a year I scoured the Arabian Peninsula, documenting about 20,000 of them. I noticed that they were not scattered randomly, but were located on a continuous route. This led to the hypothesis that this was the migration of some civilization. I researched local history in the hope of identifying this civilization, but in vain.

I would like to emphasize that at that time I did not assume that these structures were archaeological finds from the Exodus.

At one point, I learned that researchers discovered remains of Egyptian chariots in the Gulf of Eilat, and that they believed that the Israelites had crossed the sea from the Sinai Peninsula toward the Arabian Peninsula. This led me to speculate that the structures I had found were perhaps created by the Israelites during their wanderings in the desert.

But how can I prove that the structures were actually built by the Israelites and specifically during the Exodus? After all, as an Israeli, I cannot enter Saudi Arabia, let alone conduct research there.
The only way to prove this hypothesis was by deciphering the route of the journey. If it is found that the deciphered route coincides with the distribution of the structures, it will be possible to claim that the structures were built by the Israelites.
I was debating hard. For thousands of years, many wise people tried to decipher the route, and failed. The chances to succeed are very slim. On the other hand, I discovered something unknown to others, and if my hypothesis turns out to be correct, it could cause a great revolution.

I decided to take on the challenge.

Ultimately, this research yielded a complete deciphering of the route of the Exodus, discovered countless archaeological evidence and physical artifacts along the route, and removed once and for all the question of whether the Exodus actually happened or not.

The studies

research The Exodus and research Biblical Geography were conducted between 2008 and 2019. Then additional groundbreaking studies followed.

While researching the Exodus, I identified with certainty the Egyptian king who drowned in the Red Sea. This allowed me to diagnose the many ailments of Egyptian chronology, and to synchronize the Egyptian dynasties with the historical timeline of other ancient civilizations. The synchronization revealed the identities of the Egyptian kings in the days of Abraham, Joseph, and even in the days of the kings of Israel and Judah.

consequently, I found that Joseph was the one who designed and built the three great pyramids of Giza. This fact intrigued me greatly, and I began to investigate the pyramid's structure. Eventually I solved another huge mystery: Pyramids - Who built them and How.

Dear readers,

My initial motivation to embark on this long journey was curiositybut I soon realized that it wasn''t enough.

The more I studied, the more I realized that another component was needed – the desire to find the truth, in light of the many contradictions between the my findings and what is generally accepted as true. Unfortunately, I also realized that the relevant institutions (academic and religious) are not really looking for the truth, but are simply relaxing in their comfort zones.

Has my life changed during the journey? Certainly. Although my lifestyle is not religious, I do acknowledge the existence of the Creator.

Is my journey over? It seems not.
My current ambition is to complete the follow-up studies and publish them.
There are still many questions that have not yet been resolved, and these will certainly be investigated in the future. Human knowledge is advanced a little by each generation.

Special thanks to all the researchers who came before me. The more I delved into the research, the more I became aware of the efforts that had been invested throughout the generations, and the more I appreciated the researchers who came before me. Just as Isaac Newtonsaid, if I managed to see further than my predecessors, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants.

I would like to thank everyone who helped me research and write. I hold a special place in my heart for each and every one of them.

I am especially grateful to my dear family, whose support and encouragement allowed me to get this far.

I thank God for the goodness He has given me.

Goel Gil Rahimi

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