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The study is available As a printed book or As a child (in full or in the abbreviated version) and in various languages.
An important and essential part of the research is Findings file, which was not included in the book because it is not textual.

Book versions

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Zoom lectures

A series of Zoom Live lectures where you can both ask questions and express your opinion.
Your choice: morning lectures or evening lectures
There are currently no events of this type available.

Recorded lectures

Come learn about the biblical story through a series of recorded lectures.
Watch lectures while you curl up for your own enjoyment.
The recorded lectures are in the editing process. We apologize.

Public lectures (Live)

The study proves the occurrence of the Exodus from Egypt, which is the basis of all Jewish history.
Want to challenge your research? Register for these frontal lectures.
There are currently no events of this type available.

Zoom Seminars

The findings of this study are highly relevant to both the academic and religious establishments, and on the day of the study, these establishments will examine the research findings in depth.
Want to participate in the discussion? Register and contribute your part!
Daughter series Five lectures In one day (morning session and afternoon session).
There are currently no events of this type available.
Seminars and training courses by Goel Gil Rahimi

Teacher training courses

The education system is ambivalent about the Exodus. On the one hand, academia doubts its occurrence. On the other hand, the natural tendency is to preserve the tradition based on it.
These lectures will present to educators the implications of the research for the people of Israel and the state in the present and future.
There are currently no events of this type available.
Debates, Goel Gil Rahimi, Exodus from Egypt


The Exodus from Egypt is at the center of controversy: those who deny it believe that no evidence has been found to support it. In contrast, this study presents numerous findings and even deciphers the entire route.
In public debates, positions are presented, with the parties competing in front of a wide audience.
There are currently no events of this type available.